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Makripodis College

Moyamba Junction, Sierra Leone

Suitable work and careers are hard to find in West Africa with little to no education.  WEO desires not only to provide excellent primary and secondary grade schools, but also to provide a means for tertiary education as well.  As such, Makripodis College has been established in Sierra Leone, providing several fields of study for both young and old who desire to further their education.

WEO Ministries Makripodis College 3D Graphic of Multipurpose Building

Makripodis College History

In 2008, a very generous businessman from Washington, Pennsylvania, USA joined Dr. Arnold with WEO Ministries to offer financial support to start a series of academic seminars for the purpose of providing tertiary (post-secondary) school education. The seminars were designed to teach the basic fundamentals of Christianity to foster and promote the growth of men and woman answering the call of God into Christian ministry. These training seminars utilized pastors and teachers from the United States.  During the first year, a total of 12 students from local areas within the Mokanji area of Sierra Leone participated (enrolled) in the seminars.


In 2010, Makripodis College was established under WEO Ministries and in 2012, the college expanded to include additional academic fields of study. As a result, enrollment grew to approximately 30-40 students per year.  The main campus of Makripodis College was located in Moyamba Junction, Sierra Leone, in a rented facility that included its main campus and administration facilities. 


In 2018, it was decided that a more permanent site would be needed for the growing number of students in conjunction with the above mentioned expansion in academic fields of study.  As a result, plans to build a campus in Moyamba Junction are now finalized and fabrication of steel for the (combined) main academic building and worship hall have begun in the U.S. and will be shipped to Sierra Leone for assembly in late 2023.


Recently a team of volunteers led by a structural and mining engineer visited the new college site to oversee and work on many items including the erection of the college's highway sign, construction of the concrete entrance culvert, digging of two water wells, digging of the large footers that will hold the weight of the giant steel beams and girders used for the superstructure, construction of the water towers that will provide running water to the campus buildings and much more.  Additional details are shown below...

Construction Progress at the New College Site

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